10 Ucapan Hari Raya Nyepi dalam Bahasa Inggris

- 14 Maret 2021, 07:42 WIB
Ilustrasi 29 ucapan selamat Hari Raya Nyepi 2021.
Ilustrasi 29 ucapan selamat Hari Raya Nyepi 2021. /Freepik

3.On this Saka New Year of 1943, let's start a new and fresh chapter in life. Another year to live and to love. To banish worry and fear.

4.By doing nothing but self-reflection, I hope our introspection and retrospection will bring us to more meaningful and peaceful life.

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5.With no light all day long yet I hope we can find the light of enlightenment on this sacred day. Happy Nyepi Day 2021.

6.Rahajeng rahina nyepi, let’s welcome the Saka New Year with new hope and a blank canvas to be painted by love, laugh, and peace.

7.May the day of silence bestow good fortune, health, and happiness for everyone who reserves the day of self-reflection.

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8.Commemorating the start of the Hindu New Year, let’s make this new year a great year for self-reflection.

9.Happy Silence Day 2021. I wish you a serene and tranquil silent day.

10.Happy Saka New Year 1943 to those who celebrate th***


Editor: Ricky Setiawan

Sumber: Disbud Buleleng


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